Midlife & Menopause Coaching

Midlife is a stage in the life course that typically occurs between the ages of 40 and 60, and it is characterised by various physical, psychological, social, and emotional changes.Â
- The natural ageing process of our body becomes more apparent with loss of muscle mass and strength and bone density, wrinkles, joints stiffness and aches, blood vessels loss of elasticity, vision changes and many more.
- For women, midlife also corresponds with transitioning towards the end of their reproductive stage of life. The sex hormones fluctuations in peri-menopause often cause unpleasant symptoms, that if not properly treated, can continue well beyond menopause, potentially turning into health issues.
- Men may experience a gradual decline in testosterone levels, which can impact energy levels, muscle mass, and libido.
- Midlife can bring changes in relationships, including reassessing marriages or partnerships.
- Some individuals become empty nesters as children leave home for college or to start their own lives
- Some individuals experience a midlife crisis, a period of questioning life choices and a desire for significant change.
- Others may go through a midlife reevaluation, seeking to align their lives more closely with their authentic selves
- Often the time for self-reflection, assessing the accomplishments, goals, and overall life satisfaction.
- Higher awareness of life time ticking and the desire to make the most of remaining years.
- People may reevaluate their values, beliefs, and life goals, leading to personal growth and development
- Time to reassess the financial situation, considering retirement planning and long-term financial goals
- Some people may experience a desire for career changes, seeking more fulfillment or pursuing long-held aspirations. Others may face challenges such as job dissatisfaction, burnout, or the need to adapt to changing work environments.
- Parents in midlife may face challenges related to supporting adult children or caring for aging parents.
- Midlife can be a time when people seek new social connections or become more involved in community activities.
- It may involve finding a sense of purpose through contributing to the well-being of others
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In my early 40s, work – life balance became a major task, juggling work with motherhood and family. I made a tough choice to leave a well paid leadership role in a multinational company and I created a strategy business consulting company with a former colleague of mine.Â
My Mid-Life Story
Whilst I was still extensively traveling around the world, I had more flexibility and time for taking care of my family. The first Covid lockdown, gave me time to develop a personal midlife roadmap and  finally I decided to do what I really like in life:  contribute towards others with the desire to improve their quality of life, combining a healthy lifestyle with yoga, nutrition and a sense of purpose. To achieve my goal, I went back to school and entered into extensively studies and trainings (more details in about me).
My Menopause Story ​
In my early 40s, I entered into peri-menopause, but did not recognise the symptoms. I was exhausted, stressed, with  migraines, hot flashes, poor sleep, gained weight, high LDL cholesterol and mood swings. I was looking for a holistic medical advise of my symptoms, but instead I was treated incorrectly and my hectic lifestyle made the symptoms worse. As a result, I entered into menopause at the age of 46.
My Menopause Story
As I could not find a holistic solution to get rid off my menopause symptoms, I started researching around the world, trained as a Nutritionist, Hormone yoga therapist, Menopause Yoga teacher, My Menopause Transformation practitioner and experienced on myself. Â Little by little, I started connecting the dots of the menopause jigsaw in a holistic way. I learned how important is to position this stage of life in the ageing and longevity science, to combine evidenced and lifestyle change solutions to help peri to post-menopausal women to proactively manage their symptoms, restoring their energy, vitality, and health.Â
I learned  how important is to turn around the menopause symptoms to avoid health issues in our post-menopausal stage of life, like chronic inflammation, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis and depression.
MidLife Coaching
MidLife is a perfect time for the reassessment of one’s life, career and personal goals as there is still plenty of time ahead for creating a fulfilling and purposeful future.
My coaching program is based on my extensive experience of coaching and mentoring people in my leadership role in a multinational, 12 years of business strategy consulting, supporting CEOs in restructuring their companies. I apply very powerful business strategy key direction-setting tools, with the Yogic philosophy teachings for the development of personal life roadmaps.
Let me guide you navigating the challenges and opportunities that can arise during this phase of life. We will cover the following areas in order to develop your PERSONAL ROADMAP

I will support you reflect on your current life situation, your personal and professional achievements, your satisfaction levels, evaluation of your perceived strengths vs actuals and identification of areas for potential growth or change.
We will do a personal SWOT analysis to evaluate your:
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- Opportunities
- Threats
If you are open to Yogic teachings, we will also use the law of Karma, with the cause and effect to assess your current situation and the potential consequences of your actions and intentions.
The first step of the roadmap is to start defining what is the new Purpose for the coming stage of life. With time, our purpose can change as our role in society evolves. For example, if we have young children our purpose could be to raise them, providing caring and education. This purpose is not longer valid once the children are grown-up and we might need to set a new purpose, that maybe requires a different lifestyle and income.
I will also support you to review the values that are important to you, that you will not want to compromise.
I will support you with the development of a new:
- Vision definition
- Goals setting (what you would like to achieve and by when)
I will guide you to make the choices of Where do you want to play and define the priorities. For example:
- Career (e.g. industry sector, type of role, location, % of work time )
- FamilyÂ
- Health
- Hobbies
In this phase of the roadmap creation, I Â will support you with the development of the How to Win Strategies that will allow you to achieve your new purpose, vision and goals. These strategies also need to be consistent with the Where to Play strategies that you have set.
This is a very important step that brings your roadmap alive.Â
I will support you to develop a concrete action plan for the next 6-12 months, with clear deliverables and time lengths.
If you are not completely fulfilled with your current situation, let me guide you to develop a new life roadmap.
Don’t be afraid of change, I will accompany you with a solid process!

 MenoPause Coaching
My unique menopause coaching program combines Western medical science and Eastern wellbeing in a holistic way. It already helped many women to get rid off their menopausal symptoms, regaining energy, confidence and enjoying the post-menopause stage of life as a second Spring.
My aim is to support women to have a better and smoother menopause transition than mine, via:
Educate and Empower women to Embrace the stages of menopause with a positive attitude, making the transition from a reproductive to a post-reproductive stage of life as smooth as possible and prepare to fully live and enjoy a healthy Second Spring with lifestyle solutions to slow down the rate of ageing.
For a Happy & Healthy Menopause, we have to bring some changes to our lifestyle. Even if the decision is to undergo a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), without adapting the lifestyle, there is a high health risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer and depression.
- What is menopause?
- What are the different stages of the menopause?
- What are the key symptoms?
- What are the implications of menopause at physical, emotional and social levels?Â
- Why do we have so many symptoms?
- What are the different solutions
Empower women to make conscient and informed decisions to proactively manage their menopausal symptoms to regain energy, happiness and prepare for a healthy ageing.
I will coach you on:
WHY: Recognise the symptoms and understand the key causes
WHAT: Lifestyle change solutions required to regain a good quality of life
HOW: Support the development of a simple roadmap with clear objectives, strategies and a personalised action plan for a Happy & Healthy Menopause
Support women to embrace menopause as an opportunity for change:
Set a new purpose ✦ Change for better ✦ Live at the fullest Realise your dreams ✦ Say YES to yourself Â
It is time to move the menopause into WELLNESS and not sickness!

MidLife Coaching
- Initial 15min free call to evaluate the coaching scopeÂ
- Session 1: Self-Reflection & Assessment
- Session 2: Purpose & Values, Vision & Goals settings
- Session 3: Strategy development
- Session 4: Measures & Action Plan setting
- Further sessions upon request
- 120 chf/60min
- Coaching in presence or online.
The time required for developing a personal roadmap depends on the individual needs and pre-work. The process can be stopped at any stage without commitment to continue and pay future sessions.
MenoPause Coaching
- Take the free evaluation test
- Discuss the top line results in a 15 min free call
- Session 1: Focus on education and understanding the causes of the symptoms (90min)
- Session 2: Develop a personal roadmap and action plan (90min)Â
- Further sessions upon request
- 120 chf/60min
- Coaching in presence or online.
It might require doing some blood tests and medical exams in collaboration with your general doctor.
"Thanks to Barbara menopause coaching program, I feel great again. My energy is back, I can sleep through the night, I lost the excess weight that I put on during the peri-menopause and all the menopausal symptoms have disappeared. I can only recommend Barbara holistic menopause coaching that includes simple and effective lifestyle changes, healthy nutrition and the practice of Hormone Yoga Therapy, combined with Destress & Recharge Yoga"