Hormone Yoga Therapy (HYT)

Hormone Yoga Therapy is a worldwide proven method that helps rebalancing the hormonal system, by stimulating our glands (ovaries, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenals, hypophysis and pituitary). It offers a holistic natural solution using only yoga exercises performed dynamically, along with breathing techniques to reactivate the hormones produced by our own body. HYT was developed by Dinah Rodrigues, a Brazilian Yoga Therapist, now 95+ years old and still practising Hormone Yoga every day. She is full of energy and she is a true inspiration for us all to remain as fit and happy as she is as we become older.
Today’s hectic lifestyle, stress, environment, and work are all factors that can influence our hormonal balance. When the hormonal system is out of balance, the whole body, the nervous system, and the immune system are affected.
Hormone Yoga Therapy can help women in every stage of their life. Discover the benefits of HYT:
- Body:
- Improved flexibility, muscular strength and firmness, bone density, improved posture
- Weight loss
- Stronger hair, younger skin, and stronger nails
- Mental:
- More relaxed, be better able to cope with stress
- Improved mood and frame of mind
- Improved sleeping
- Energy:
- Activating the energy
- Improved energy flow
- Stronger vitality and general wellbeing
- Physiology:
- Eliminating or strongly diminishing the symptoms related to low female hormone levels through the reactivation of hormone production
- Diminishing the risks of illnesses related to low hormone levels like osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases
What are the general effects of Hormone Yoga Therapy?
(Click on the box for more information)
Is my period irregular?
Yes if:
- The gap between your periods is less than 21 days or more than 35 days
- You lose more or less blood during a period than usual
Why is my period irregular?
There are many causes of irregular periods. It is proven that an unbalance hormonal system, for example changes in your body's level of oestrogen and progesterone hormones can disrupt the normal pattern of your period. That's why young girls going through puberty and women approaching menopause tend to have more irregular periods.
When cortisol, the stress hormone is out of balance, or when the thyroid does not work properly the periods are also affected.
There are many causes of irregular periods, ranging from excessive physical exercise, important body weight swings, to more serious medical conditions, like endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, polycystic ovaries syndrome, primary ovarian insufficiency, uterine fibroids or cancers.
Is it normal to have painful periods?
It is not normal to have bad pelvic cramps and painful periods. Do not under estimate pelvic floor pain especially in teens and young ladies!
This could be an early sign of endometriosis. A fairly common condition that causes chronic pelvic pain at every menstrual cycle. Unfortunately many women receive an endometriosis diagnosis only in their 30s and 40s, after years of suffering, affecting their daily life in may aspects.
Early diagnosis is key in slowing the progression of this disease.
So please make sure that if you encounter a teen or young lady, suffering from belly cramps around her menstrual cycle, suggest her to bring it up with her doctor for a potential early diagnose of endometriosis. You can truly help the person to be taken in charge as early as possible and avoid all the painful consequences of endometriosis.
Does Hormone Yoga Therapy help with painful and irregular periods?
Hormone Yoga Therapy is very effective with restoring a regular and pain free menstrual cycle (if you are not yet in menopause). It stimulates our own body hormones production, rebalancing the hormonal system. In case of polycystic ovaries syndrome and endometriosis (stage 1 & 2), it helps to reduce and even cure them.
When should you see a doctor?
It is important to have regular check-ups. Contact your doctor if you have painful or irregular periods, if you have any of the following symptoms or if you have other questions:
- Severe pain during your period or between periods
- Unusual heavy bleeding during your period
- Bleeding for more than 7 days
- Bleeding or spotting between periods
- Bleeding more often than every 21 days
- Nausea or vomiting during your period
You should also see your doctor if you think you might be pregnant.
Why it has become more difficult to get pregnant?
Today’s hectic lifestyle, stress, environment, work are factors that can influence our fertility. The female reproductive function begins to decline already from the age of 30 and often we begin to make procreation plans later and later. Sometimes we get pregnant easily, but other times it’s a little more complicated and it can become a very stressful project that worries us with negative effects on our physical and mental health.
What is infertility?
Infertility is defined as the inability of getting pregnant after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. There are multiple reasons of infertility (1/3 female factors, 1/3 male factors and 1/3 a combination of female and male factors).
What are the key causes of infertility in women?
- Ovulation disorders (Polycystic ovary syndrome, Primary ovarian insufficiency, excess of Prolactin)
- Endometriosis
- Damage to fallopian tubes
- Uterine or cervical causes
- Unexplained infertility
What are the risk factors that increase infertility?
- Age (as of mid-30s)
- Smoking & alcohol
- Stress
- Weight (overweight or underweight)
How can Hormone Yoga Therapy help with fertility?
Hormone Yoga Therapy has helped a lot of women around the world to get pregnant and give birth to beautiful babies, when they were already told to forget about motherhood.
Hormone Yoga Therapy stimulates the production of female hormones and reduces the polycystic ovary syndrome by rebalancing the hormones. It also helps to manage stress and anxiety to increase the changes to get pregnant and give birth to a beautiful and healthy child.
Reactivates the Metabolism to Regain the Ideal Weight
Hormones imbalance can affect our metabolism. Each person reacts differently to hormones imbalance and for some, it can slow the metabolism.
With age, our metabolism tends to slowdown and we put on weight. The oestrogen decline impacts the thyroid gland that regulates the speed of the metabolism.
What are the health risks of weight gain?
- Cardiovascular issues
- High blood pressure
- High LDL Cholesterol
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Joint pains and issues
- General fatigue
What are the health risks of being under weight ?
- Often ill
- Anemia
- Fatigue
- Osteoporosis
- Cardiovascular issues
- Malnutrition
How can Hormone Yoga Therapy help?
Hormone Yoga Therapy is very effective with the reactivation of the thyroid gland. It stimulates the thyroid with specific breathing techniques and dynamic postures. As a result, the metabolism is reactivated and you can regain your ideal weight.
What are the symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause?
Are you experiencing symptoms like hot flushes, poor sleeping, joint pains, migraines, mood swings, anxiety, weight gain, hair loss, stress, weak immune system, decreased libido, urinary loss...?
These are common symptoms of peri-menopause, when the reproductive hormones go through a roller coaster before declining. Peri-menopause usually starts in the early 40s. Symptoms can persist for many years and carry over in post-menopause, if not treated. By then, we are exhausted and there is a higher risk of developing health diseases like cardiovascular issues, osteoporosis, cancer and depression.
What is Menopause?
Menopause is much more than the end of the reproductive cycle for a woman and the cessation of menstruation. It has implications on all aspects of life: physically, mentally and socially, that can last for several years.
How can Hormone Yoga Therapy help?
Hormone Yoga Therapy helps rebalancing the female hormonal system by activating our glands (ovaries, thyroid, adrenals and pituitary) and overcome the menopausal symptoms.
Within weeks, symptoms caused by the hormonal fluctuations are reduced or even disappear:
- Calm and inner peace are restored
- Hot flushes and night sweats disappear
- The pelvic floor becomes more muscular and elastic
- Stronger nails and hair
- Sleep through the night to recharge your batteries and regain the energy you once had
Thanks to Hormone Yoga Therapy, women can embrace the various stages of the menopause with a positive attitude, making the transition from a reproductive to a post-reproductive stage of life as smooth as possible and prepare to fully live and enjoy the " Second Spring"
Stronger Health, Reduced Osteoporosis & Cardiovascular Risks
Menopause is a very vulnerable stage for the woman's health. We can define it as a "Perfect Storm" for our body and mind as it increases inflammation. When chronic inflammation is present, it affects our immune health, blood pressure, sleep quality, our weight and there is a higher risk of developing health diseases.
How can Hormone Yoga Therapy help?
Hormone Yoga Therapy diminishes the risks of illnesses related to low hormone levels and strengthens our general health. The respiratory, cardiovascular and immune systems are strengthened with powerful breathing and energy circulation techniques.
Why the risk of bone fractures increases as of menopause?
Lower levels of oestrogen and testosterone as of menopause reduce our bone density and increase the risk of fractures (hip, wrist, spine), back pains and hunchback appearance affecting posture.
Hormone Yoga Therapy also helps preventing bone loss by stimulating the oestrogen and testosterone hormonal production and keeping the cortisol stress hormone under control.
Why do we lose muscle mass, flexibility, elasticity and endurance as of the 30s?
This is due to a natural physiological process. This is why it is so important to stay healthy physically and mentally.
The decline in testosterone and oestrogen hormones with aging has a major impact on our muscle strength and general elasticity of our tissues and blood vessels.
How can Hormone Yoga Therapy help?
The Hormone Yoga Therapy's postures, the Bastrika KD breathing and the Tibetan energy circulating techniques are very effective in strengthening and toning the muscles and keeping a healthy bone density.
Within already a few weeks of practising Hormone Yoga Therapy, you will have a stronger pelvic floor, improved flexibility and muscular strength and firmness. Your lungs capacity increases, improving your endurance and energy.

(Click on the box for more information)
What are the symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause?
Are you experiencing symptoms like hot flushes, poor sleeping, joint pains, migraines, mood swings, anxiety, weight gain, hair loss, stress, weak immune system, decreased libido, urinary loss...?
These are common symptoms of peri-menopause, when the reproductive hormones go through a roller coaster before declining. Peri-menopause usually starts in the early 40s. Symptoms can persist for many years and carry over in post-menopause, if not treated. By then, we are exhausted and there is a higher risk of developing health diseases like cardiovascular issues, osteoporosis, cancer and depression.
What is Menopause?
Menopause is much more than the end of the reproductive cycle for a woman and the cessation of menstruation. It has implications on all aspects of life: physically, mentally and socially, that can last for several years.
How can Hormone Yoga Therapy help?
Hormone Yoga Therapy helps rebalancing the female hormonal system by activating our glands (ovaries, thyroid, adrenals and pituitary) and overcome the menopausal symptoms.
Within weeks, symptoms caused by the hormonal fluctuations are reduced or even disappear:
- Calm and inner peace are restored
- Hot flushes and night sweats disappear
- The pelvic floor becomes more muscular and elastic
- Stronger nails and hair
- Sleep through the night to recharge your batteries and regain the energy you once had
Thanks to Hormone Yoga Therapy, women can embrace the various stages of the menopause with a positive attitude, making the transition from a reproductive to a post-reproductive stage of life as smooth as possible and prepare to fully live and enjoy the " Second Spring"
Stronger Health, Reduced Osteoporosis & Cardiovascular Risks
Menopause is a very vulnerable stage for the woman's health. We can define it as a "Perfect Storm" for our body and mind as it increases inflammation. When chronic inflammation is present, it affects our immune health, blood pressure, sleep quality, our weight and there is a higher risk of developing health diseases.
How can Hormone Yoga Therapy help?
Hormone Yoga Therapy diminishes the risks of illnesses related to low hormone levels and strengthens our general health. The respiratory, cardiovascular and immune systems are strengthened with powerful breathing and energy circulation techniques.
Why the risk of bone fractures increases as of menopause?
Lower levels of oestrogen and testosterone as of menopause reduce our bone density and increase the risk of fractures (hip, wrist, spine), back pains and hunchback appearance affecting posture.
Hormone Yoga Therapy also helps preventing bone loss by stimulating the oestrogen and testosterone hormonal production and keeping the cortisol stress hormone under control.
Why do we lose muscle mass, flexibility, elasticity and endurance as of the 30s?
This is due to a natural physiological process. This is why it is so important to stay healthy physically and mentally.
The decline in testosterone and oestrogen hormones with aging has a major impact on our muscle strength and general elasticity of our tissues and blood vessels.
How can Hormone Yoga Therapy help?
The Hormone Yoga Therapy's postures, the Bastrika KD breathing and the Tibetan energy circulating techniques are very effective in strengthening and toning the muscles and keeping a healthy bone density.
Within already a few weeks of practising Hormone Yoga Therapy, you will have a stronger pelvic floor, improved flexibility and muscular strength and firmness. Your lungs capacity increases, improving your endurance and energy.
FREE Personal Evaluation of Your Hormone Balance & General Health
Hormone Yoga Therapy Program
Take the evaluation of your hormonal balance and general health test, schedule a free 15 min call. You can then join a group workshop or, schedule a private lesson to learn and experience the benefits of Hormone Yoga Therapy
For Whom?
Any woman can practice HYT. No yoga experience is required. It is specifically recommended for:
- Younger women with irregular menstrual cycles and pre-menstrual cramps
- Women with fertility issues
- Women as of 35 preparing for a healthy menopause, when the hormone levels start to decline
- Women going thru the various stages of menopause: premature menopause, pre & post menopause
HYT is also effective for:
- Women of any age with low hormone levels
- Women with hypothyroidism
- Endometriosis stage 1 & 2
- Polycystic ovaries and ovarian cysts
- Tendinitis of the arms and fingers
Hormone Yoga Therapy is contraindicated and therefore not advisable for women with:
- Hormone dependant breast or uterine cancer
- During pregnancy
- Advanced endometriosis
- Strong psychical issues
- Myoma / fibroids bigger than 10 cm
- Undiagnosed abdominal pain
- Heart surgery

Evaluation (Free)
Comprises a questionnaire to fill-in and a 1 to 1 interview to assess the general health of the participant and in order to understand hormone balance status and ascertain any medical therapies that could interfere with HYT
Therapy Sessions
Join a group workshop or Schedule private classes (Details below)
Daily Practices
Continue with daily practice sessions (ideally 3-4 times/week) on your own or, continue following classes in person or online.
After the Initial Workshop or Private Class
Once you complete the initial workshop, there will be three ways to continue your Hormone Yoga Therapy exercises:
On Your Own
Once you've learned the HYT sequence and mastered the techniques, you can practice on your own. It will only take you half an hour a day to perform the entire sequence!
- Self-practice
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Ideally 3-4 times a week
Ongoing Group Classes
Hormone Yoga Therapy classes to practice alongside other women
- In Person or Online Group Classes
- Duration: 60 Minutes
- Single Class: 30 CHF, 25 CHF (online)
- 10 Classes: 250 CHF, 200 CHF (online)
Private Classes
If you prefer, we can schedule private Hormone Therapy classes for you
- In Person Private Classes
- Duration: 60 Minutes
- Single Class: 100 CHF
Note: 10 yoga classes package has a validity of 6 months. The duration can be prolonged in case of need: e.g., traveling, illness
Home Studio & Open Air Yoga Classes
Depending on the group, season or weather; yoga classes take place in my home studio in Coppet, in my garden or by the lake.

- A private zen studio bathed in natural light
- Props are sanitized after each use. You can also bring your own mat if you prefer
- Max 5 participants

- Classes can also take place by the lake in the Coppet area during the warmer seasons

- When weather allows in the warmer seasons, classes can take place in the Coppet Home Studio Garden surrounded by majestic trees to capture all the energy of Mother Earth.
Join me to start your yoga journey today!